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May 2020

Pangolins belong to an order of unusual mammals that are scale-covered, toothless and specialist myrmecophages, and that also includes eight endangered species. The Malayan pangolin (Manis javanica) is the main species rescued from wildlife smuggling in China. Although pangolins are not likely the direct source of the recent outbreak in humans according to work by Liu and Jiang et al, they have been found to carry or be infected by several zoonotic pathogens, such as the Sendai virus, Coronavirus and Parainfluenza Virus 5. Pangolin illegal trade must be eliminated both for pangolin conservation and for public health.

Image Credit: JP Chen (2020)


Bacteria under antibiotic attack: Different strategies for evolutionary adaptation

Etthel M. Windels, Bram Van den Bergh, Jan Michiels

Disseminated Histoplasmosis: Fighting a neglected killer of patients with advanced HIV disease in Latin America

Mathieu Nacher, Pierre Couppié, Loic Epelboin, Félix Djossou, Magalie Demar, Antoine Adenis

Enhancing bacterial survival through phenotypic heterogeneity

Leila M. Reyes Ruiz, Caitlin L. Williams, Rita Tamayo

A viral journey to the brain: Current considerations and future developments

Nilda Vanesa Ayala-Nunez, Raphael Gaudin

Effector specificity and function in Drosophila innate immunity: Getting AMPed and dropping Boms

Samuel J. H. Lin, Lianne B. Cohen, Steven A. Wasserman

Capsid protein is central to the birth of flavivirus particles

Ter Yong Tan, Guntur Fibriansah, Shee-Mei Lok


Entamoeba histolytica and pathogenesis: A calcium connection

Mrigya Babuta, Sudha Bhattacharya, Alok Bhattacharya

Harnessing helminth-driven immunoregulation in the search for novel therapeutic modalities

Stephanie M. Ryan, Ramon M. Eichenberger, Roland Ruscher, Paul R. Giacomin, Alex Loukas

Adapting to survive: How Candida overcomes host-imposed constraints during human colonization

Rosana Alves, Cláudia Barata-Antunes, Margarida Casal, Alistair J. P. Brown, Patrick Van Dijck, Sandra Paiva

The hallmarks of COVID-19 disease

Daolin Tang, Paul Comish, Rui Kang

Research Articles

Zika virus infects pericytes in the choroid plexus and enters the central nervous system through the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier

Jihye Kim, Brian Alejandro, Michal Hetman, Eyas M. Hattab, Joshua Joiner, Horst Schroten, Hiroshi Ishikawa, Dong-Hoon Chung

A conformation-based intra-molecular initiation factor identified in the flavivirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase

Jiqin Wu, Han-Qing Ye, Qiu-Yan Zhang, Guoliang Lu, Bo Zhang, Peng Gong

EhC2B, a C2 domain-containing protein, promotes erythrophagocytosis in Entamoeba histolytica via actin nucleation

Aashutosh Tripathi, Megha Jain, Mintu Chandra, Sameena Parveen, Rupali Yadav, Brett M. Collins, Sankar Maiti, Sunando Datta

The intergenic small non-coding RNA ittA is required for optimal infectivity and tissue tropism in Borrelia burgdorferi

Diana N. Medina-Pérez, Beau Wager, Erin Troy, Lihui Gao, Steven J. Norris, Tao Lin, Linden Hu, Jenny A. Hyde, Meghan Lybecker, Jon T. Skare

Salmonella Typhimurium discreet-invasion of the murine gut absorptive epithelium

Stefan A. Fattinger, Desirée Böck, Maria Letizia Di Martino, Sabrina Deuring, Pilar Samperio Ventayol, Viktor Ek, Markus Furter, Saskia Kreibich, Francesco Bosia, Anna A. Müller-Hauser, Bidong D. Nguyen, Manfred Rohde, Martin Pilhofer, Wolf-Dietrich Hardt, Mikael E. Sellin

SPOP promotes ubiquitination and degradation of MyD88 to suppress the innate immune response

Qinghe Li, Fei Wang, Qiao Wang, Na Zhang, Jumei Zheng, Maiqing Zheng, Ranran Liu, Huanxian Cui, Jie Wen, Guiping Zhao

Structure and functional analysis of the Legionella pneumophila chitinase ChiA reveals a novel mechanism of metal-dependent mucin degradation

Saima Rehman, Lubov S. Grigoryeva, Katherine H. Richardson, Paula Corsini, Richard C. White, Rosie Shaw, Theo J. Portlock, Benjamin Dorgan, Zeinab S. Zanjani, Arianna Fornili, Nicholas P. Cianciotto, James A. Garnett

Human monoclonal antibodies against Ross River virus target epitopes within the E2 protein and protect against disease

Laura A. Powell, Julie M. Fox, Nurgun Kose, Arthur S. Kim, Mahsa Majedi, Robin Bombardi, Robert H. Carnahan, James C. Slaughter, Thomas E. Morrison, Michael S. Diamond, James. E. Crowe Jr

Revisiting promyelocytic leukemia protein targeting by human cytomegalovirus immediate-early protein 1

Christina Paulus, Thomas Harwardt, Bernadette Walter, Andrea Marxreiter, Marion Zenger, Edith Reuschel, Michael M. Nevels

Tuning antiviral CD8 T-cell response via proline-altered peptide ligand vaccination

Adil Doganay Duru, Renhua Sun, Eva B. Allerbring, Jesseka Chadderton, Nadir Kadri, Xiao Han, Kaliroi Peqini, Hannes Uchtenhagen, Chaithanya Madhurantakam, Sara Pellegrino, Tatyana Sandalova, Per-Åke Nygren, Stephen J. Turner, Adnane Achour

Past and ongoing adaptation of human cytomegalovirus to its host

Alessandra Mozzi, Matteo Biolatti, Rachele Cagliani, Diego Forni, Valentina Dell'Oste, Chiara Pontremoli, Chiara Vantaggiato, Uberto Pozzoli, Mario Clerici, Santo Landolfo, Manuela Sironi

Preventive effects of folic acid on Zika virus-associated poor pregnancy outcomes in immunocompromised mice

Yogy Simanjuntak, Hui-Ying Ko, Yi-Ling Lee, Guann-Yi Yu, Yi-Ling Lin

Gp41-targeted antibodies restore infectivity of a fusion-deficient HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein

Vinita R. Joshi, Ruchi M. Newman, Melissa L. Pack, Karen A. Power, James B. Munro, Ken Okawa, Navid Madani, Joseph G. Sodroski, Aaron G. Schmidt, Todd M. Allen

Yersinia pseudotuberculosis YopH targets SKAP2-dependent and independent signaling pathways to block neutrophil antimicrobial mechanisms during infection

Lamyaa Shaban, Giang T. Nguyen, Benjamin D. Mecsas-Faxon, Kenneth D. Swanson, Shumin Tan, Joan Mecsas

TREM2 suppresses the proinflammatory response to facilitate PRRSV infection via PI3K/NF-κB signaling

Zhenbang Zhu, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Wenjuan Dong, Xiaoying Wang, Sheng He, Hui Zhang, Xun Wang, Ruiping Wei, Yaosheng Chen, Xiaohong Liu, Chunhe Guo

Are pangolins the intermediate host of the 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)?

Ping Liu, Jing-Zhe Jiang, Xiu-Feng Wan, Yan Hua, Linmiao Li, Jiabin Zhou, Xiaohu Wang, Fanghui Hou, Jing Chen, Jiejian Zou, Jinping Chen

Related Articles

Platelets are critical for survival and tissue integrity during murine pulmonary Aspergillus fumigatus infection

Benjamin Y. Tischler, Nicholas L. Tosini, Robert A. Cramer, Tobias M. Hohl

Toxoplasma gondii requires its plant-like heme biosynthesis pathway for infection

Amy Bergmann, Katherine Floyd, Melanie Key, Carly Dameron, Kerrick C. Rees, L. Brock Thornton, Daniel C. Whitehead, Iqbal Hamza, Zhicheng Dou

Ablation of non-coding RNAs affects bovine leukemia virus B lymphocyte proliferation and abrogates oncogenesis

Roghaiyeh Safari, Jean-Rock Jacques, Yves Brostaux, Luc Willems

Toxoplasma gondii dense granule protein GRA24 drives MyD88-independent p38 MAPK activation, IL-12 production and induction of protective immunity

Heather L. Mercer, Lindsay M. Snyder, Claire M. Doherty, Barbara A. Fox, David J. Bzik, Eric Y. Denkers

Natural variation of Arabidopsis thaliana responses to Cauliflower mosaic virus infection upon water deficit

Sandy E. Bergès, François Vasseur, Alexis Bediée, Gaëlle Rolland, Diane Masclef, Myriam Dauzat, Manuella van Munster, Denis Vile

Strain-specific joint invasion and colonization by Lyme disease spirochetes is promoted by outer surface protein C

Yi-Pin Lin, Xi Tan, Jennifer A. Caine, Mildred Castellanos, George Chaconas, Jenifer Coburn, John M. Leong

Family-based genome-wide association study of leprosy in Vietnam

Chaima Gzara, Monica Dallmann-Sauer, Marianna Orlova, Nguyen Van Thuc, Vu Hong Thai, Vinicius M. Fava, Marie-Thérèse Bihoreau, Anne Boland, Laurent Abel, Alexandre Alcaïs, Erwin Schurr, Aurélie Cobat

Emergence of prions selectively resistant to combination drug therapy

Cassandra M. Burke, Kenneth M. K. Mark, Judit Kun, Kathryn S. Beauchemin, Surachai Supattapone

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Trichinella spiralis-induced mastocytosis and erythropoiesis are simultaneously supported by a bipotent mast cell/erythrocyte precursor cell

Juan M. Inclan-Rico, Christina M. Hernandez, Everett K. Henry, Hannah G. Federman, Chandler B. Sy, John J. Ponessa, Alexander D. Lemenze, Nathanael Joseph, Patricia Soteropoulos, Aimee M. Beaulieu, George S. Yap, Mark C. Siracusa

Selective fragmentation of the trans-Golgi apparatus by Rickettsia rickettsii

Karin Aistleitner, Tina Clark, Cheryl Dooley, Ted Hackstadt

Discordant rearrangement of primary and anamnestic CD8+ T cell responses to influenza A viral epitopes upon exposure to bacterial superantigens: Implications for prophylactic vaccination, heterosubtypic immunity and superinfections

Courtney E. Meilleur, Arash Memarnejadian, Adil N. Shivji, Jenna M. Benoit, Stephen W. Tuffs, Tina S. Mele, Bhagirath Singh, Jimmy D. Dikeakos, David J. Topham, Hong-Hua Mu, Jack R. Bennink, John K. McCormick, S. M. Mansour Haeryfar

Identification of functional cis-acting RNA elements in the hepatitis E virus genome required for viral replication

Xiaohui Ju, Guangtao Xiang, Mingli Gong, Rui Yang, Jierui Qin, Yafei Li, Yuchen Nan, Yonglin Yang, Qiangfeng Cliff Zhang, Qiang Ding

Exosome-mediated apoptosis pathway during WSSV infection in crustacean mud crab

Yi Gong, Tongtong Kong, Xin Ren, Jiao Chen, Shanmeng Lin, Yueling Zhang, Shengkang Li

MAIT cells are functionally impaired in a Mauritian cynomolgus macaque model of SIV and Mtb co-infection

Amy L. Ellis, Alexis J. Balgeman, Erica C. Larson, Mark A. Rodgers, Cassaundra Ameel, Tonilynn Baranowski, Nadean Kannal, Pauline Maiello, Jennifer A. Juno, Charles A. Scanga, Shelby L. O’Connor

Clofazimine enhances the efficacy of BCG revaccination via stem cell-like memory T cells

Shaheer Ahmad, Debapriya Bhattacharya, Neeta Gupta, Varsha Rawat, Sultan Tousif, Luc Van Kaer, Gobardhan Das

Bactericidal type IV secretion system homeostasis in Xanthomonas citri

William Cenens, Maxuel O. Andrade, Edgar Llontop, Cristina E. Alvarez-Martinez, Germán G. Sgro, Chuck S. Farah

Toxoplasma GRA15 and GRA24 are important activators of the host innate immune response in the absence of TLR11

Debanjan Mukhopadhyay, David Arranz-Solís, Jeroen P. J. Saeij

Antibody-induced internalisation of retroviral envelope glycoproteins is a signal initiation event

Veera Panova, Jan Attig, George R. Young, Jonathan P. Stoye, George Kassiotis

RNF8 Dysregulation and Down-regulation During HTLV-1 Infection Promote Genomic Instability in Adult T-Cell Leukemia

Huijun Zhi, Xin Guo, Yik-Khuan Ho, Nagesh Pasupala, Hampus Alexander Anders Engstrom, Oliver John Semmes, Chou-Zen Giam

Experimental determination of the force of malaria infection reveals a non-linear relationship to mosquito sporozoite loads

Maya Aleshnick, Vitaly V. Ganusov, Gibran Nasir, Gayane Yenokyan, Photini Sinnis

Irgm1-deficiency leads to myeloid dysfunction in colon lamina propria and susceptibility to the intestinal pathogen Citrobacter rodentium

Gregory A. Taylor, Hsin-I Huang, Brian E. Fee, Nourhan Youssef, Mark L. Jewell, Viviana Cantillana, Alexi A. Schoenborn, Allison R. Rogala, Anne F. Buckley, Carl G. Feng, Bruce A. Vallance, Ajay S. Gulati, Gianna E. Hammer

A symbiotic bacterium of shipworms produces a compound with broad spectrum anti-apicomplexan activity

Roberta M. O’Connor, Felix J. Nepveux V, Jaypee Abenoja, Gregory Bowden, Patricia Reis, Josiah Beaushaw, Rachel M. Bone Relat, Iwona Driskell, Fernanda Gimenez, Michael W. Riggs, Deborah A. Schaefer, Eric W. Schmidt, Zhenjian Lin, Daniel L. Distel, Jon Clardy, Timothy R. Ramadhar, David R. Allred, Heather M. Fritz, Pradipsinh Rathod, Laura Chery, John White

Inhibition of the NAD salvage pathway in schistosomes impairs metabolism, reproduction, and parasite survival

Michael D. Schultz, Tulin Dadali, Sylvain A. Jacques, Hélène Muller-Steffner, Jeremy B. Foote, Leonardo Sorci, Esther Kellenberger, Davide Botta, Frances E. Lund

Rab11A regulates dense granule transport and secretion during Toxoplasma gondii invasion of host cells and parasite replication

Kannan Venugopal, Sylia Chehade, Elisabeth Werkmeister, Nicolas Barois, Javier Periz, Frank Lafont, Isabelle Tardieux, Jamal Khalife, Gordon Langsley, Markus Meissner, Sabrina Marion

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Host cytosolic RNA sensing pathway promotes T Lymphocyte-mediated mycobacterial killing in macrophages

Yong Cheng, Nicholas J. Kiene, Alexandra Tatarian, Emily F. Eix, Jeffrey S. Schorey