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March 2019

Fig 5. Intracellular acid-fast bacteria within discrete granulomas in Mtb-HT infected mice.

In contrast to the diffuse lung pathology present in Mtb-LT infected mice, granulomas in Mtb-HT infected mice are compact aggregates of macrophages with few intracellular bacteria surrounded by lymphocytes. A fraction of these compact lesions expand and develop necrotic "caseous" centers in Mtb-HT infected mice which erode into the walls of adjacent intact airways, allowing high rates of transmission. Verma et al.

Image Credit: Durbin, J., Verma S. and Salgame, P. (2019)


Macrophage nuclear receptors: Emerging key players in infectious diseases

Chrissy M. Leopold Wager, Eusondia Arnett, Larry S. Schlesinger

Research Articles

A comparison of antigen-specific T cell responses induced by six novel tuberculosis vaccine candidates

Miguel J. Rodo, Virginie Rozot, Elisa Nemes, One Dintwe, Mark Hatherill, Francesca Little, Thomas J. Scriba

Transmission phenotype of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains is mechanistically linked to induction of distinct pulmonary pathology

Sheetal Verma, Kamlesh Bhatt, Arianne Lovey, Rodrigo Ribeiro-Rodrigues, Joan Durbin, Edward C. Jones-López, Moises Palaci, Solange A. Vinhas, David Alland, Reynaldo Dietze, Jerrold J. Ellner, Padmini Salgame

Intestinal Serum amyloid A suppresses systemic neutrophil activation and bactericidal activity in response to microbiota colonization

Caitlin C. Murdoch, Scott T. Espenschied, Molly A. Matty, Olaf Mueller, David M. Tobin, John F. Rawls

Neisseria gonorrhoeae MlaA influences gonococcal virulence and membrane vesicle production

Benjamin I. Baarda, Ryszard A. Zielke, Adriana Le Van, Ann E. Jerse, Aleksandra E. Sikora

Coincident airway exposure to low-potency allergen and cytomegalovirus sensitizes for allergic airway disease by viral activation of migratory dendritic cells

Sebastian Reuter, Niels A. W. Lemmermann, Joachim Maxeiner, Jürgen Podlech, Hendrik Beckert, Kirsten Freitag, Daniel Teschner, Frederic Ries, Christian Taube, Roland Buhl, Matthias J. Reddehase, Rafaela Holtappels

Desialylation of platelets induced by Von Willebrand Factor is a novel mechanism of platelet clearance in dengue

Silvita Fitri Riswari, Rahajeng N. Tunjungputri, Vesla Kullaya, Fadel M. Garishah, Gloria S. R. Utari, Nur Farhanah, Gijs J. Overheul, Bachti Alisjahbana, M. Hussein Gasem, Rolf T. Urbanus, Philip. G. de Groot, Dirk J. Lefeber, Ronald P. van Rij, Andre van der Ven, Quirijn de Mast

The fungal ribonuclease-like effector protein CSEP0064/BEC1054 represses plant immunity and interferes with degradation of host ribosomal RNA

Helen G. Pennington, Rhian Jones, Seomun Kwon, Giulia Bonciani, Hannah Thieron, Thomas Chandler, Peggy Luong, Sian Natasha Morgan, Michal Przydacz, Tolga Bozkurt, Sarah Bowden, Melanie Craze, Emma J. Wallington, James Garnett, Mark Kwaaitaal, Ralph Panstruga, Ernesto Cota, Pietro D. Spanu

Recurrent herpes simplex virus-1 infection induces hallmarks of neurodegeneration and cognitive deficits in mice

Giovanna De Chiara, Roberto Piacentini, Marco Fabiani, Alessia Mastrodonato, Maria Elena Marcocci, Dolores Limongi, Giorgia Napoletani, Virginia Protto, Paolo Coluccio, Ignacio Celestino, Domenica Donatella Li Puma, Claudio Grassi, Anna Teresa Palamara

The small non-coding RNA RsaE influences extracellular matrix composition in Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm communities

Sonja M. K. Schoenfelder, Claudia Lange, Srinivasa Abishek Prakash, Gabriella Marincola, Maike F. Lerch, Freya D. R. Wencker, Konrad U. Förstner, Cynthia M. Sharma, Wilma Ziebuhr

Varicella zoster virus productively infects human peripheral blood mononuclear cells to modulate expression of immunoinhibitory proteins and blocking PD-L1 enhances virus-specific CD8+ T cell effector function

Dallas Jones, Christina N. Como, Lichen Jing, Anna Blackmon, Charles Preston Neff, Owen Krueger, Andrew N. Bubak, Brent E. Palmer, David M. Koelle, Maria A. Nagel

Host adaptation and convergent evolution increases antibiotic resistance without loss of virulence in a major human pathogen

Alicia Fajardo-Lubián, Nouri L. Ben Zakour, Alex Agyekum, Qin Qi, Jonathan R. Iredell

Central memory CD8+ T cells become CD69+ tissue-residents during viral skin infection independent of CD62L-mediated lymph node surveillance

Jossef F. Osborn, Samuel J. Hobbs, Jana L. Mooster, Tahsin N. Khan, Augustus M. Kilgore, Jake C. Harbour, Jeffrey C. Nolz

RNAi-based small molecule repositioning reveals clinically approved urea-based kinase inhibitors as broadly active antivirals

Markus Lesch, Madlen Luckner, Michael Meyer, Friderike Weege, Isabella Gravenstein, Martin Raftery, Christian Sieben, Laura Martin-Sancho, Aki Imai-Matsushima, Robert-William Welke, Rebecca Frise, Wendy Barclay, Günther Schönrich, Andreas Herrmann, Thomas F. Meyer, Alexander Karlas

The TLR4 adaptor TRAM controls the phagocytosis of Gram-negative bacteria by interacting with the Rab11-family interacting protein 2

Astrid Skjesol, Mariia Yurchenko, Korbinian Bösl, Caroline Gravastrand, Kaja Elisabeth Nilsen, Lene Melsæther Grøvdal, Federica Agliano, Francesco Patane, Germana Lentini, Hera Kim, Giuseppe Teti, Aditya Kumar Sharma, Richard K. Kandasamy, Bjørnar Sporsheim, Kristian K. Starheim, Douglas T. Golenbock, Harald Stenmark, Mary McCaffrey, Terje Espevik, Harald Husebye

Bacterial fitness in chronic wounds appears to be mediated by the capacity for high-density growth, not virulence or biofilm functions

Sarah J. Morgan, Soyeon I. Lippman, Gilbert E. Bautista, Joe J. Harrison, Christopher L. Harding, Larry A. Gallagher, Ann-Chee Cheng, Richard Siehnel, Sumedha Ravishankar, Marcia L. Usui, John E. Olerud, Philip Fleckman, Randall D. Wolcott, Colin Manoil, Pradeep K. Singh

Sympatric versus allopatric evolutionary contexts shape differential immune response in Biomphalaria / Schistosoma interaction

Anaïs Portet, Silvain Pinaud, Cristian Chaparro, Richard Galinier, Nolwenn M. Dheilly, Julien Portela, Guillaume M. Charriere, Jean-François Allienne, David Duval, Benjamin Gourbal

Low levels of SIV-specific CD8+ T cells in germinal centers characterizes acute SIV infection

Shengbin Li, Joy M. Folkvord, Katalin J. Kovacs, Reece K. Wagstaff, Gwantwa Mwakalundwa, Aaron K. Rendahl, Eva G. Rakasz, Elizabeth Connick, Pamela J. Skinner

The histone chaperone HIRA promotes the induction of host innate immune defences in response to HSV-1 infection

Steven McFarlane, Anne Orr, Ashley P. E. Roberts, Kristen L. Conn, Victor Iliev, Colin Loney, Ana da Silva Filipe, Katherine Smollett, Quan Gu, Neil Robertson, Peter D. Adams, Taranjit Singh Rai, Chris Boutell

Full restoration of specific infectivity and strain properties from pure mammalian prion protein

Cassandra M. Burke, Daniel J. Walsh, Alexander D. Steele, Umberto Agrimi, Michele Angelo Di Bari, Joel C. Watts, Surachai Supattapone

15-keto-prostaglandin E2 activates host peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR-γ) to promote Cryptococcus neoformans growth during infection

Robert J. Evans, Katherine Pline, Catherine A. Loynes, Sarah Needs, Maceler Aldrovandi, Jens Tiefenbach, Ewa Bielska, Rachel E. Rubino, Christopher J. Nicol, Robin C. May, Henry M. Krause, Valerie B. O’Donnell, Stephen A. Renshaw, Simon A. Johnston

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Tenuivirus utilizes its glycoprotein as a helper component to overcome insect midgut barriers for its circulative and propagative transmission

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Spring viraemia of carp virus modulates p53 expression using two distinct mechanisms

Shun Li, Long-Feng Lu, Shu-Bo Liu, Can Zhang, Zhuo-Cong Li, Xiao-Yu Zhou, Yong-An Zhang


Correction: HIV-1 envelope glycan modifications that permit neutralization by germline-reverted VRC01-class broadly neutralizing antibodies

Celia C. LaBranche, Andrew T. McGuire, Matthew D. Gray, Shay Behrens, Xuejun Chen, Tongqing Zhou, Quentin J. Sattentau, James Peacock, Amanda Eaton, Kelli Greene, Hongmei Gao, Haili Tang, Lautaro G. Perez, Kevin O. Saunders, Peter D. Kwong, John R. Mascola, Barton F. Haynes, Leonidas Stamatatos, David C. Montefiori

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