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October 2016

Mucosal inflammation is visualized in bladder sections from Asc-/- mice, infected with uropathogenic E. coli. Infection triggered a massive recruitment of neutrophils (red) to the mucosa. In susceptible mice, large numbers of bacteria were detected in the mucosa (green) and were shown to colocalize with neutrophil aggregates in micro-abscesses (yellow). Frozen tissue sections were stained for immunohistochemistry with specific antibodies to neutrophils and E. coli. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI (cyan). Ambite et al.

Image Credit: Manoj Puthia, Biomedical Centre, Lund University, Sweden



Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus: An Enemy amidst Us

Eric F. Kong, Jennifer K. Johnson, Mary Ann Jabra-Rizk

Carrion’s Disease: More Than a Sand Fly–Vectored Illness

Maria J. Pons, Cláudia Gomes, Juana del Valle-Mendoza, Joaquim Ruiz

The Missing Link between Candida albicans Hyphal Morphogenesis and Host Cell Damage

Duncan Wilson, Julian R. Naglik, Bernhard Hube

Building Viral Replication Organelles: Close Encounters of the Membrane Types

Peter D. Nagy, Jeroen R. P. M. Strating, Frank J. M. van Kuppeveld


Entamoeba Encystation: New Targets to Prevent the Transmission of Amebiasis

Fumika Mi-ichi, Hiroki Yoshida, Shinjiro Hamano

Research Articles

Th17 Cells Are More Protective Than Th1 Cells Against the Intracellular Parasite Trypanosoma cruzi

Catherine W. Cai, Jennifer R. Blase, Xiuli Zhang, Christopher S. Eickhoff, Daniel F. Hoft

Regulation of the Abundance of Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus ORF50 Protein by Oncoprotein MDM2

Tzu-Hsuan Chang, Shie-Shan Wang, Lee-Wen Chen, Ying-Ju Shih, Li-Kwan Chang, Shih-Tung Liu, Pey-Jium Chang

The Replicative Consequences of Papillomavirus E2 Protein Binding to the Origin Replication Factor ORC2

Marsha DeSmet, Sriramana Kanginakudru, Anne Rietz, Wai-Hong Wu, Richard Roden, Elliot J. Androphy

Comparative Proteomics Reveals Strain-Specific β-TrCP Degradation via Rotavirus NSP1 Hijacking a Host Cullin-3-Rbx1 Complex

Siyuan Ding, Nancie Mooney, Bin Li, Marcus R. Kelly, Ningguo Feng, Alexander V. Loktev, Adrish Sen, John T. Patton, Peter K. Jackson, Harry B. Greenberg

XRN1 Is a Species-Specific Virus Restriction Factor in Yeasts

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