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August 2009

Sandflies are the vector for the leishmaniases, a complex of disfiguring and potentially fatal neglected tropical parasitic diseases. To facilitate transmission, Leishmania parasites block the sandfly gut by secreting a mucin-like gel that forces the regurgitation of parasites during bloodfeeding. Regurgitated gel dramatically exacerbates infection and disease. Rogers et al. demonstrate that the gel manipulates the wound healing response of the host to the sandfly bite by recruiting host cells and conditions them to supply nutrients for intracellular parasite growth. By understanding the interaction between parasites, vectors, and hosts during infection, we can design more appropriate anti-parasitic drugs and vaccines (see Rogers et al., doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1000555).

Image Credit: Ray Wilson, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine


Chlamydia trachomatis Infection and Anti-Hsp60 Immunity: The Two Sides of the Coin

Francesco Cappello, Everly Conway de Macario, Valentina Di Felice, Giovanni Zummo, Alberto J. L. Macario

Research Articles

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Eliminates Natural Killer Cells via Phagocytosis-Induced Apoptosis

Jin Woong Chung, Zheng-Hao Piao, Suk Ran Yoon, Mi Sun Kim, Mira Jeong, Suk Hyung Lee, Jeong Ki Min, Jae Wha Kim, You-Hee Cho, Jin Chul Kim, Jeong Keun Ahn, Kyoon Eon Kim, Inpyo Choi

Regulation of Host Translational Machinery by African Swine Fever Virus

Alfredo Castelló, Ana Quintas, Elena G. Sánchez, Prado Sabina, Marisa Nogal, Luis Carrasco, Yolanda Revilla

Nuclear Entry of Hepatitis B Virus Capsids Involves Disintegration to Protein Dimers followed by Nuclear Reassociation to Capsids

Birgit Rabe, Mildred Delaleau, Andreas Bischof, Michael Foss, Irina Sominskaya, Paul Pumpens, Christian Cazenave, Michel Castroviejo, Michael Kann

The Cyst Nematode SPRYSEC Protein RBP-1 Elicits Gpa2- and RanGAP2-Dependent Plant Cell Death

Melanie Ann Sacco, Kamila Koropacka, Eric Grenier, Marianne J. Jaubert, Alexandra Blanchard, Aska Goverse, Geert Smant, Peter Moffett

Trypanosoma brucei PUF9 Regulates mRNAs for Proteins Involved in Replicative Processes over the Cell Cycle

Stuart K. Archer, Van-Duc Luu, Rafael A. de Queiroz, Stefanie Brems, Christine Clayton

The QseC Adrenergic Signaling Cascade in Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)

David T. Hughes, Marcie B. Clarke, Kaneyoshi Yamamoto, David A. Rasko, Vanessa Sperandio

CpG Methylation Controls Reactivation of HIV from Latency

Jana Blazkova, Katerina Trejbalova, Françoise Gondois-Rey, Philippe Halfon, Patrick Philibert, Allan Guiguen, Eric Verdin, Daniel Olive, Carine Van Lint, Jiri Hejnar, Ivan Hirsch

Proteophosophoglycans Regurgitated by Leishmania-Infected Sand Flies Target the L-Arginine Metabolism of Host Macrophages to Promote Parasite Survival

Matthew Rogers, Pascale Kropf, Beak-San Choi, Rod Dillon, Maria Podinovskaia, Paul Bates, Ingrid Müller

Impaired Axonal Transport in Motor Neurons Correlates with Clinical Prion Disease

Vladimir Ermolayev, Toni Cathomen, Julia Merk, Mike Friedrich, Wolfgang Härtig, Gregory S. Harms, Michael A. Klein, Eckhard Flechsig

Malarial Hemozoin Activates the NLRP3 Inflammasome through Lyn and Syk Kinases

Marina Tiemi Shio, Stephanie C. Eisenbarth, Myriam Savaria, Adrien F. Vinet, Marie-Josée Bellemare, Kenneth W. Harder, Fayyaz S. Sutterwala, D. Scott Bohle, Albert Descoteaux, Richard A. Flavell, Martin Olivier

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Draft Genome Sequencing of Giardia intestinalis Assemblage B Isolate GS: Is Human Giardiasis Caused by Two Different Species?

Oscar Franzén, Jon Jerlström-Hultqvist, Elsie Castro, Ellen Sherwood, Johan Ankarklev, David S. Reiner, Daniel Palm, Jan O. Andersson, Björn Andersson, Staffan G. Svärd

Mycobacterium tuberculosis WhiB3 Maintains Redox Homeostasis by Regulating Virulence Lipid Anabolism to Modulate Macrophage Response

Amit Singh, David K. Crossman, Deborah Mai, Loni Guidry, Martin I. Voskuil, Matthew B. Renfrow, Adrie J. C. Steyn

Essential Role of Cyclophilin A for Hepatitis C Virus Replication and Virus Production and Possible Link to Polyprotein Cleavage Kinetics

Artur Kaul, Sarah Stauffer, Carola Berger, Thomas Pertel, Jennifer Schmitt, Stephanie Kallis, Margarita Zayas Lopez, Volker Lohmann, Jeremy Luban, Ralf Bartenschlager

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Expression and Processing of a Small Nucleolar RNA from the Epstein-Barr Virus Genome

Roland Hutzinger, Regina Feederle, Jan Mrazek, Natalia Schiefermeier, Piotr J. Balwierz, Mihaela Zavolan, Norbert Polacek, Henri-Jacques Delecluse, Alexander Hüttenhofer

Two HIV-1 Variants Resistant to Small Molecule CCR5 Inhibitors Differ in How They Use CCR5 for Entry

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Yersinia enterocolitica Targets Cells of the Innate and Adaptive Immune System by Injection of Yops in a Mouse Infection Model

Martin Köberle, Annegret Klein-Günther, Monika Schütz, Michaela Fritz, Susanne Berchtold, Eva Tolosa, Ingo B. Autenrieth, Erwin Bohn

Dimerization of Hepatitis E Virus Capsid Protein E2s Domain Is Essential for Virus–Host Interaction

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Paternal Effect of the Nuclear Formin-like Protein MISFIT on Plasmodium Development in the Mosquito Vector

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