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July 2009

3-D projection of a z stack from the lymph node of a CDllcYFP mouse that was adoptively transferred with ovalbumin-specific CD8+ GFP+ T cells and infected with T. gondii expressing ovalbumin. An increased proportion of dendritic cells (yellow) and T cells (green) are associated with the sub-capsular region (capsule seen in blue) of the lymph node following infection. Also note the vacuolar structures within the dendritic cells, which are induced during infection. This image was acquired on a Leica SP5 2-photon microscope equipped with a picosecond laser and tunable internal detectors (see John et al., doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1000505).

Image Credit: Beena John and Christopher A. Hunter, University of Pennsylvania.


Anatomy of Viral Persistence

Michael B. A. Oldstone


Influence of Dendritic Cells on Viral Pathogenicity

Giulia Freer, Donatella Matteucci

Research Articles

Comprehensive Identification of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Genes Required for Infection of BALB/c Mice

Roy R. Chaudhuri, Sarah E. Peters, Stephen J. Pleasance, Helen Northen, Chrissie Willers, Gavin K. Paterson, Danielle B. Cone, Andrew G. Allen, Paul J. Owen, Gil Shalom, Dov J. Stekel, Ian G. Charles, Duncan J. Maskell

Degradation of Phosphorylated p53 by Viral Protein-ECS E3 Ligase Complex

Yoshitaka Sato, Takumi Kamura, Noriko Shirata, Takayuki Murata, Ayumi Kudoh, Satoko Iwahori, Sanae Nakayama, Hiroki Isomura, Yukihiro Nishiyama, Tatsuya Tsurumi

Hsp90 Governs Echinocandin Resistance in the Pathogenic Yeast Candida albicans via Calcineurin

Sheena D. Singh, Nicole Robbins, Aimee K. Zaas, Wiley A. Schell, John R. Perfect, Leah E. Cowen

Mobile Genetic Element-Encoded Cytolysin Connects Virulence to Methicillin Resistance in MRSA

Shu Y. Queck, Burhan A. Khan, Rong Wang, Thanh-Huy L. Bach, Dorothee Kretschmer, Liang Chen, Barry N. Kreiswirth, Andreas Peschel, Frank R. DeLeo, Michael Otto

The Two-Domain LysX Protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Is Required for Production of Lysinylated Phosphatidylglycerol and Resistance to Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides

Erin Maloney, Dorota Stankowska, Jian Zhang, Marek Fol, Qi-Jian Cheng, Shichun Lun, William R. Bishai, Malini Rajagopalan, Delphi Chatterjee, Murty V. Madiraju

Trans-Dominant Inhibition of Prion Propagation In Vitro Is Not Mediated by an Accessory Cofactor

James C. Geoghegan, Michael B. Miller, Aimee H. Kwak, Brent T. Harris, Surachai Supattapone

Isolation of Genetically Diverse Marburg Viruses from Egyptian Fruit Bats

Jonathan S. Towner, Brian R. Amman, Tara K. Sealy, Serena A. Reeder Carroll, James A. Comer, Alan Kemp, Robert Swanepoel, Christopher D. Paddock, Stephen Balinandi, Marina L. Khristova, Pierre B. H. Formenty, Cesar G. Albarino, David M. Miller, Zachary D. Reed, John T. Kayiwa, James N. Mills, Deborah L. Cannon, Patricia W. Greer, Emmanuel Byaruhanga, Eileen C. Farnon, Patrick Atimnedi, Samuel Okware, Edward Katongole-Mbidde, Robert Downing, Jordan W. Tappero, Sherif R. Zaki, Thomas G. Ksiazek, Stuart T. Nichol, Pierre E. Rollin

Target Cell Cyclophilins Facilitate Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Infection

Malgorzata Bienkowska-Haba, Hetalkumar D. Patel, Martin Sapp

PLK1 Down-Regulates Parainfluenza Virus 5 Gene Expression

Dengyun Sun, Priya Luthra, Zhuo Li, Biao He

Two Prp19-Like U-Box Proteins in the MOS4-Associated Complex Play Redundant Roles in Plant Innate Immunity

Jacqueline Monaghan, Fang Xu, Minghui Gao, Qingguo Zhao, Kristoffer Palma, Chengzu Long, She Chen, Yuelin Zhang, Xin Li

Production of Superoxide Anions by Keratinocytes Initiates P. acnes-Induced Inflammation of the Skin

Philippe A. Grange, Christiane Chéreau, Joël Raingeaud, Carole Nicco, Bernard Weill, Nicolas Dupin, Frédéric Batteux

NFATc1 Mediates Toll-Like Receptor-Independent Innate Immune Responses during Trypanosoma cruzi Infection

Hisako Kayama, Ritsuko Koga, Koji Atarashi, Megumi Okuyama, Taishi Kimura, Tak W. Mak, Satoshi Uematsu, Shizuo Akira, Hiroshi Takayanagi, Kenya Honda, Masahiro Yamamoto, Kiyoshi Takeda

Structural Basis for Functional Tetramerization of Lentiviral Integrase

Stephen Hare, Francesca Di Nunzio, Alfred Labeja, Jimin Wang, Alan Engelman, Peter Cherepanov

Programmed Cellular Necrosis Mediated by the Pore-Forming α-Toxin from Clostridium septicum

Catherine L. Kennedy, Danielle J. Smith, Dena Lyras, Anjana Chakravorty, Julian I. Rood

The Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors of the Parasitic Nematode Ascaris suum: Formation of Two Distinct Drug Targets by Varying the Relative Expression Levels of Two Subunits

Sally M. Williamson, Alan P. Robertson, Laurence Brown, Tracey Williams, Debra J. Woods, Richard J. Martin, David B. Sattelle, Adrian J. Wolstenholme

Drosophila Embryos as Model Systems for Monitoring Bacterial Infection in Real Time

Isabella Vlisidou, Andrea J. Dowling, Iwan R. Evans, Nicholas Waterfield, Richard H. ffrench-Constant, Will Wood

NRP/Optineurin Cooperates with TAX1BP1 to Potentiate the Activation of NF-κB by Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 Tax Protein

Chloé Journo, Josina Filipe, Frédégonde About, Sébastien A. Chevalier, Philippe V. Afonso, John N. Brady, David Flynn, Frédéric Tangy, Alain Israël, Pierre-Olivier Vidalain, Renaud Mahieux, Robert Weil

LEDGF/p75 Proteins with Alternative Chromatin Tethers Are Functional HIV-1 Cofactors

Anne M. Meehan, Dyana T. Saenz, James H. Morrison, Jose A. Garcia-Rivera, Mary Peretz, Manuel Llano, Eric M. Poeschla

The Kunitz-Like Modulatory Protein Haemangin Is Vital for Hard Tick Blood-Feeding Success

M. Khyrul Islam, Naotoshi Tsuji, Takeharu Miyoshi, M. Abdul Alim, Xiaohong Huang, Takeshi Hatta, Kozo Fujisaki

Genome-Scale Identification of Legionella pneumophila Effectors Using a Machine Learning Approach

David Burstein, Tal Zusman, Elena Degtyar, Ram Viner, Gil Segal, Tal Pupko

Structure and Inhibition of the SARS Coronavirus Envelope Protein Ion Channel

Konstantin Pervushin, Edward Tan, Krupakar Parthasarathy, Xin Lin, Feng Li Jiang, Dejie Yu, Ardcharaporn Vararattanavech, Tuck Wah Soong, Ding Xiang Liu, Jaume Torres

DNA Structure Modulates the Oligomerization Properties of the AAV Initiator Protein Rep68

Jorge Mansilla-Soto, Miran Yoon-Robarts, William J. Rice, Shailee Arya, Carlos R. Escalante, R. Michael Linden

Analysis of Pools of Targeted Salmonella Deletion Mutants Identifies Novel Genes Affecting Fitness during Competitive Infection in Mice

Carlos A. Santiviago, M. Megan Reynolds, Steffen Porwollik, Sang-Ho Choi, Fred Long, Helene L. Andrews-Polymenis, Michael McClelland

The Dynamics of EBV Shedding Implicate a Central Role for Epithelial Cells in Amplifying Viral Output

Vey Hadinoto, Michael Shapiro, Chia Chi Sun, David A. Thorley-Lawson

Evidence for a “Wattle and Daub” Model of the Cyst Wall of Entamoeba

Anirban Chatterjee, Sudip K. Ghosh, Ken Jang, Esther Bullitt, Landon Moore, Phillips W. Robbins, John Samuelson

NOD2, RIP2 and IRF5 Play a Critical Role in the Type I Interferon Response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Amit K. Pandey, Yibin Yang, Zhaozhao Jiang, Sarah M. Fortune, Francois Coulombe, Marcel A. Behr, Katherine A. Fitzgerald, Christopher M. Sassetti, Michelle A. Kelliher

Chemical Genetics Reveals Bacterial and Host Cell Functions Critical for Type IV Effector Translocation by Legionella pneumophila

Xavier Charpentier, Joëlle E. Gabay, Moraima Reyes, Jing W. Zhu, Arthur Weiss, Howard A. Shuman

RNAi Targeting of West Nile Virus in Mosquito Midguts Promotes Virus Diversification

Doug E. Brackney, Jennifer E. Beane, Gregory D. Ebel

Isolation and Characterization of Adenoviruses Persistently Shed from the Gastrointestinal Tract of Non-Human Primates

Soumitra Roy, Luk H. Vandenberghe, Sergey Kryazhimskiy, Rebecca Grant, Roberto Calcedo, Xin Yuan, Martin Keough, Arbans Sandhu, Qiang Wang, C. Angelica Medina-Jaszek, Joshua B. Plotkin, James M. Wilson

The αGal Epitope of the Histo-Blood Group Antigen Family Is a Ligand for Bovine Norovirus Newbury2 Expected to Prevent Cross-Species Transmission

Maha Zakhour, Nathalie Ruvoën-Clouet, Annie Charpilienne, Brigitte Langpap, Didier Poncet, Thomas Peters, Nicolai Bovin, Jacques Le Pendu

Dynamic Imaging of CD8+ T Cells and Dendritic Cells during Infection with Toxoplasma gondii

Beena John, Tajie H. Harris, Elia D. Tait, Emma H. Wilson, Beth Gregg, Lai Guan Ng, Paulus Mrass, David S. Roos, Florence Dzierszinski, Wolfgang Weninger, Christopher A. Hunter

Differential Gene Expression Patterns of EBV Infected EBNA-3A Positive and Negative Human B Lymphocytes

Marie L. Hertle, Claudia Popp, Sabine Petermann, Sabine Maier, Elisabeth Kremmer, Roland Lang, Jörg Mages, Bettina Kempkes