Liver sections from C57BL/6 CAT2-/- mice infected with S. mansoni for 10 wk were stained anti-F4/80-Alexa 488 (green), anti-Arg1-Alexa 647(red), and anti-Alpha Smooth Muscle Actin-Texas Red (blue). Individual 20x images were combined to provide this composite image (see Thompson et al., e1000023).
Image Credit: Image generated by John Pesce.
The Lentiviral Integrase Binding Protein LEDGF/p75 and HIV-1 Replication
PLOS Pathogens: published March 28, 2008 |
Research Articles
Methylated DNA Recognition during the Reversal of Epigenetic Silencing Is Regulated by Cysteine and Serine Residues in the Epstein-Barr Virus Lytic Switch Protein
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Plasmodium-Induced Inflammation by Uric Acid
PLOS Pathogens: published March 7, 2008 |
Chlamydial Entry Involves TARP Binding of Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factors
PLOS Pathogens: published March 7, 2008 |
Real-Time Visualization of HIV-1 GAG Trafficking in Infected Macrophages
PLOS Pathogens: published March 7, 2008 |
A Virus-Encoded Cell–Cell Fusion Machine Dependent on Surrogate Adhesins
PLOS Pathogens: published March 7, 2008 |
IFN-Lambda (IFN-λ) Is Expressed in a Tissue-Dependent Fashion and Primarily Acts on Epithelial Cells In Vivo
PLOS Pathogens: published March 14, 2008 |
A New Family of Lysozyme Inhibitors Contributing to Lysozyme Tolerance in Gram-Negative Bacteria
PLOS Pathogens: published March 7, 2008 |
The Effect of Immune Selection on the Structure of the Meningococcal Opa Protein Repertoire
PLOS Pathogens: published March 14, 2008 |
RNA Interference Screen Identifies Abl Kinase and PDGFR Signaling in Chlamydia trachomatis Entry
PLOS Pathogens: published March 7, 2008 |
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