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PLoS Genetics Issue Image | Vol. 6(1) January 2010

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A panicle of the rice pseudoviviparous mutant shows that all spikelets are replaced by vigorous juvenile plantlets.

In this issue of PLoS Genetics, Wang et al. report a spontaneous pseudoviviparous mutant phoenix (pho) in rice. In pho plants, all spikelets are replaced by young plantlets, and the reproductive strategy is completely changed from sexual to asexual. Further analyses revealed that pho is caused by mutations of two MADS-box transcription factors. These findings provide an insight into the mechanism of pseudovivipary in plants.

Image Credit: Zhukuan Cheng (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

A panicle of the rice pseudoviviparous mutant shows that all spikelets are replaced by vigorous juvenile plantlets.

In this issue of PLoS Genetics, Wang et al. report a spontaneous pseudoviviparous mutant phoenix (pho) in rice. In pho plants, all spikelets are replaced by young plantlets, and the reproductive strategy is completely changed from sexual to asexual. Further analyses revealed that pho is caused by mutations of two MADS-box transcription factors. These findings provide an insight into the mechanism of pseudovivipary in plants.

Image Credit: Zhukuan Cheng (Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)