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May 2022

The first animals appear during the late Ediacaran (572 to 541 million years ago); an initial diversity increase was followed reduction in diversity, often interpreted as catastrophic mass extinction. Eden et al. investigated Ediacaran ecosystem structure changes over this time period to assess whether this diversity reduction was likely caused by an external mass extinction, or by internal metacommunity restructuring. They found that the oldest metacommunity was characterized by taxa with wide environmental tolerances, and limited specialization or intertaxa associations. Structuring increased in the second oldest metacommunity, and this pattern strengthened in the youngest metacommunity, with communities showing strong environmental segregation and depth structure. Thus, metacommunity structure increased in complexity, with increased specialization and resulting in competitive exclusion, not a catastrophic environmental disaster, leading to diversity loss in the terminal Ediacaran. These results reveal that the complex eco-evolutionary dynamics associated with Cambrian diversification were established in the Ediacaran. The image shows a group of Ediacaran specimens of Fractofusus and Plumeropriscum from the 'E' surface, Mistaken Point Ecological Reserve, Newfoundland, Canada. Also visible are patches of the volcanic ash that smothered the organisms on the Ediacaran seafloor, preserving all members of the community in their original positions.

Image Credit: Dr Charlotte G Kenchington


The function and evolution of child-directed communication

Johanna Schick, Caroline Fryns, Franziska Wegdell, Marion Laporte, Klaus Zuberbühler, Carel P. van Schaik, Simon W. Townsend, Sabine Stoll

Consensus View

Recommendations for improving statistical inference in population genomics

Parul Johri, Charles F. Aquadro, Mark Beaumont, Brian Charlesworth, Laurent Excoffier, Adam Eyre-Walker, Peter D. Keightley, Michael Lynch, Gil McVean, Bret A. Payseur, Susanne P. Pfeifer, Wolfgang Stephan, Jeffrey D. Jensen

Unsolved Mystery

Why do some coronaviruses become pandemic threats when others do not?

Benjamin L. Rice, Justin Lessler, Clifton McKee, C. Jessica E. Metcalf


The silent loss of cell physiology hampers marine biosciences

Frank Melzner, Imke Podbielski, Felix C. Mark, Martin Tresguerres


Community Page

Bypassing shortages of personal protective equipment in low-income settings using local production and open source tools

Royhaan Olamide Folarin, Mahmoud Bukar Maina, Abisola Kaosara Akinbo, Tamramat Iyabo Runsewe-Abiodun, Omobola Abioye Ogundahunsi, Ahmed Adebowale Adedeji, Andre Maia Chagas

Research Articles

Major environmental drivers determining life and death of cold-water corals through time

Rodrigo da Costa Portilho-Ramos, Jürgen Titschack, Claudia Wienberg, Michael Georg Siccha Rojas, Yusuke Yokoyama, Dierk Hebbeln

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Automated assessment reveals that the extinction risk of reptiles is widely underestimated across space and phylogeny

Gabriel Henrique de Oliveira Caetano, David G. Chapple, Richard Grenyer, Tal Raz, Jonathan Rosenblatt, Reid Tingley, Monika Böhm, Shai Meiri, Uri Roll

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A multistudy analysis reveals that evoked pain intensity representation is distributed across brain systems

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Brain stimulation competes with ongoing oscillations for control of spike timing in the primate brain

Matthew R. Krause, Pedro G. Vieira, Jean-Philippe Thivierge, Christopher C. Pack

Covariations between pupil diameter and supplementary eye field activity suggest a role in cognitive effort implementation

Julien Claron, Julie Royo, Fabrice Arcizet, Thomas Deffieux, Mickael Tanter, Pierre Pouget

Learning-related congruent and incongruent changes of excitation and inhibition in distinct cortical areas

Vahid Esmaeili, Anastasiia Oryshchuk, Reza Asri, Keita Tamura, Georgios Foustoukos, Yanqi Liu, Romain Guiet, Sylvain Crochet, Carl C. H. Petersen

Diet-responsive transcriptional regulation of insulin in a single neuron controls systemic metabolism

Ava Handley, Qiuli Wu, Tessa Sherry, Rebecca Cornell, Roger Pocock

Temporal analysis of melanogenesis identifies fatty acid metabolism as key skin pigment regulator

Farina Sultan, Reelina Basu, Divya Murthy, Manisha Kochar, Kuldeep S. Attri, Ayush Aggarwal, Pooja Kumari, Pooja Dnyane, Jyoti Tanwar, Rajender K. Motiani, Archana Singh, Chetan Gadgil, Neel Sarovar Bhavesh, Pankaj K. Singh, Vivek T. Natarajan, Rajesh S. Gokhale

Endomitosis controls tissue-specific gene expression during development

Lotte M. van Rijnberk, Ramon Barrull-Mascaró, Reinier L. van der Palen, Erik S. Schild, Hendrik C. Korswagen, Matilde Galli

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Ayesa Syenina, Esther S. Gan, Justin Z. N. Toh, Ruklanthi de Alwis, Lowell Z. Lin, Christine Y. L. Tham, Jia Xin Yee, Yan Shan Leong, Huizhen Sam, Charlene Cheong, Yii Ean Teh, Ian L. E. Wee, Dorothy H. L. Ng, Kuan Rong Chan, Jean X. Y. Sim, Shirin Kalimuddin, Eugenia Z. Ong, Jenny G. Low, Eng Eong Ooi

A juxtamembrane basolateral targeting motif regulates signaling through a TGF-β pathway receptor in Drosophila

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A novel class of antimicrobial drugs selectively targets a Mycobacterium tuberculosis PE-PGRS protein

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Short Reports

No evidence of fetal defects or anti-syncytin-1 antibody induction following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination

Alice Lu-Culligan, Alexandra Tabachnikova, Eddy Pérez-Then, Maria Tokuyama, Hannah J. Lee, Carolina Lucas, Valter Silva Monteiro, Marija Miric, Vivian Brache, Leila Cochon, M. Catherine Muenker, Subhasis Mohanty, Jiefang Huang, Insoo Kang, Charles Dela Cruz, Shelli Farhadian, Melissa Campbell, Inci Yildirim, Albert C. Shaw, Shuangge Ma, Sten H. Vermund, Albert I. Ko, Saad B. Omer, Akiko Iwasaki

Methods and Resources

Neural networks enable efficient and accurate simulation-based inference of evolutionary parameters from adaptation dynamics

Grace Avecilla, Julie N. Chuong, Fangfei Li, Gavin Sherlock, David Gresham, Yoav Ram

A microfluidic system that replicates pharmacokinetic (PK) profiles in vitro improves prediction of in vivo efficacy in preclinical models

Dharaminder Singh, Sudhir P. Deosarkar, Elaine Cadogan, Vikki Flemington, Alysha Bray, Jingwen Zhang, Ronald S. Reiserer, David K. Schaffer, Gregory B. Gerken, Clayton M. Britt, Erik M. Werner, Francis D. Gibbons, Tomasz Kostrzewski, Christopher E. Chambers, Emma J. Davies, Antonio Ramos Montoya, Jacqueline H. L. Fok, David Hughes, Kristin Fabre, Matthew P. Wagoner, John P. Wikswo, Clay W. Scott

The structural context of posttranslational modifications at a proteome-wide scale

Isabell Bludau, Sander Willems, Wen-Feng Zeng, Maximilian T. Strauss, Fynn M. Hansen, Maria C. Tanzer, Ozge Karayel, Brenda A. Schulman, Matthias Mann

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Do multiple experimenters improve the reproducibility of animal studies?

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Transcriptome-wide mapping reveals a diverse dihydrouridine landscape including mRNA

Austin S. Draycott, Cassandra Schaening-Burgos, Maria F. Rojas-Duran, Loren Wilson, Leonard Schärfen, Karla M. Neugebauer, Sigrid Nachtergaele, Wendy V. Gilbert

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