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April 2022

Cryptosporidium is a leading infectious cause of diarrhea around the world associated with waterborne outbreaks, community spread, or zoonotic transmission. The parasite has significant impact on early childhood mortality, and infection is both a consequence and cause of malnutrition and stunting. There is currently no vaccine, and treatment options are very limited. Cryptosporidium is a member of the Apicomplexa, and, as typical for this, protist phylum relies on asexual and sexual reproduction. In contrast to other Apicomplexa, including the malaria parasite Plasmodium, the entire Cryptosporidium life cycle unfolds in a single host in less than three days. English et al. establish a model to image life cycle progression in living cells and observe, track, and compare nuclear division of asexual and sexual stage parasites. The authors propose that the parasite executes an intrinsic program of three generations of asexual replication, followed by a single generation of sexual stages that is independent of environmental stimuli. This defines a Cryptosporidium life cycle matching Tyzzer's original description and inconsistent with the coccidian life cycle now shown in many textbooks. The image shows a fluorescence micrograph of the ilium of an experimentally infected mouse, stained for parasites (red), host actin (green) and DNA (blue).

Image Credit: Muthugapatti Kandasamy, Adam Sateriale, and Boris Striepen


Biosecurity in an age of open science

James Andrew Smith, Jonas B. Sandbrink

Unsolved Mystery


Molecular biology for green recovery—A call for action

Marta Rodríguez-Martínez, Jens Nielsen, Sam Dupont, Jessica Vamathevan, Beverley J. Glover, Lindsey C. Crosswell, Brendan Rouse, Ben F. Luisi, Chris Bowler, Susan M. Gasser, Detlev Arendt, Tobias J. Erb, Victor de Lorenzo, Edith Heard, Kiran Raosaheb Patil

Research Articles

Longitudinal deep sequencing informs vector selection and future deployment strategies for transmissible vaccines

Megan E. Griffiths, Alice Broos, Laura M. Bergner, Diana K. Meza, Nicolas M. Suarez, Ana da Silva Filipe, Carlos Tello, Daniel J. Becker, Daniel G. Streicker

Related Articles

Population heterogeneity in clinical cohorts affects the predictive accuracy of brain imaging

Oualid Benkarim, Casey Paquola, Bo-yong Park, Valeria Kebets, Seok-Jun Hong, Reinder Vos de Wael, Shaoshi Zhang, B. T. Thomas Yeo, Michael Eickenberg, Tian Ge, Jean-Baptiste Poline, Boris C. Bernhardt, Danilo Bzdok

Cortical asymmetries at different spatial hierarchies relate to phonological processing ability

Mark A. Eckert, Kenneth I. Vaden Jr., Federico Iuricich, Dyslexia Data Consortium

Hasty sensorimotor decisions rely on an overlap of broad and selective changes in motor activity

Gerard Derosiere, David Thura, Paul Cisek, Julie Duque

Optineurin promotes myogenesis during muscle regeneration in mice by autophagic degradation of GSK3β

Xiao Chen Shi, Bo Xia, Jian Feng Zhang, Rui Xin Zhang, Dan Yang Zhang, Huan Liu, Bao Cai Xie, Yong Liang Wang, Jiang Wei Wu

SNX27–Retromer directly binds ESCPE-1 to transfer cargo proteins during endosomal recycling

Boris Simonetti, Qian Guo, Manuel Giménez-Andrés, Kai-En Chen, Edmund R. R. Moody, Ashley J. Evans, Mintu Chandra, Chris M. Danson, Tom A. Williams, Brett M. Collins, Peter J. Cullen

Short Reports

The expression of virulence genes increases membrane permeability and sensitivity to envelope stress in Salmonella Typhimurium

Malgorzata Sobota, Pilar Natalia Rodilla Ramirez, Alexander Cambré, Andrea Rocker, Julien Mortier, Théo Gervais, Tiphaine Haas, Delphine Cornillet, Dany Chauvin, Isabelle Hug, Thomas Julou, Abram Aertsen, Médéric Diard

Discovery Reports

Erebosis, a new cell death mechanism during homeostatic turnover of gut enterocytes

Hanna M. Ciesielski, Hiroshi Nishida, Tomomi Takano, Aya Fukuhara, Tetsuhisa Otani, Yuko Ikegawa, Morihiro Okada, Takashi Nishimura, Mikio Furuse, Sa Kan Yoo

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The X-linked splicing regulator MBNL3 has been co-opted to restrict placental growth in eutherians

Thomas Spruce, Mireya Plass, André Gohr, Debashish Ray, María Martínez de Lagrán, Gregor Rot, Ana Nóvoa, Demian Burguera, Jon Permanyer, Marta Miret, Hong Zheng, Maurice S. Swanson, Quaid Morris, Moises Mallo, Mara Dierssen, Timothy R. Hughes, Barbara Pernaute, Manuel Irimia