Australia's Great Barrier Reef is a large coral ecosystem consisting of more than 3,800 reefs, and coral populations inhabiting these reefs are connected by larvae that are dispersed by ocean currents. This study by Hock et al. first uses high-resolution dispersal simulations of larvae to identify those reefs that are most likely to support regional recovery processes due to their high connectivity. The authors then use oceanographic and climate models to show which reefs are likely to have a lower risk of exposure to adverse conditions such as coral bleaching and starfish outbreaks. Finally, they combine these results to identify reefs that are not only likely to be good sources by being well connected but also more likely to have adult breeding stocks needed to provide the necessary larval supply. This information can support decision-making that aims to allocate management resources and prioritize sites important for the resilience of the entire reef. The image shows a coral colony with signs of bleaching, the white branches indicating recent stress from elevated sea temperatures.
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