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January 2015

There is considerable uncertainty regarding the steps needed to contain the ongoing Ebola crisis in West Africa, the timeline required to achieve control, and the projected burden of mortality. A new mathematical model of Ebola virus transmission allows assessment of the feedback between new cases and hospital demand under a range of plausible intervention scenarios, including ramping-up of treatment facilities over time and increasing the number of individuals seeking hospital treatment through outreach and education. Results suggest that the outcome of the epidemic depends on both hospital capacity and individual behavior, and the model highlights the conditions under which transmission might have outpaced hospital capacity, and projects possible epidemic trajectories into 2015. See Drake et al.

Image Credit: NIAID, Flickr


Adult Neurogenesis in Humans- Common and Unique Traits in Mammals

Aurélie Ernst, Jonas Frisén


Finding Our Way through Phenotypes

Andrew R. Deans, Suzanna E. Lewis, Eva Huala, Salvatore S. Anzaldo, Michael Ashburner, James P. Balhoff, David C. Blackburn, Judith A. Blake, J. Gordon Burleigh, Bruno Chanet, Laurel D. Cooper, Mélanie Courtot, Sándor Csösz, Hong Cui, Wasila Dahdul, Sandip Das, T. Alexander Dececchi, Agnes Dettai, Rui Diogo, Robert E. Druzinsky, Michel Dumontier, Nico M. Franz, Frank Friedrich, George V. Gkoutos, Melissa Haendel, Luke J. Harmon, Terry F. Hayamizu, Yongqun He, Heather M. Hines, Nizar Ibrahim, Laura M. Jackson, Pankaj Jaiswal, Christina James-Zorn, Sebastian Köhler, Guillaume Lecointre, Hilmar Lapp, Carolyn J. Lawrence, Nicolas Le Novère, John G. Lundberg, James Macklin, Austin R. Mast, Peter E. Midford, István Mikó, Christopher J. Mungall, Anika Oellrich, David Osumi-Sutherland, Helen Parkinson, Martín J. Ramírez, Stefan Richter, Peter N. Robinson, Alan Ruttenberg, Katja S. Schulz, Erik Segerdell, Katja C. Seltmann, Michael J. Sharkey, Aaron D. Smith, Barry Smith, Chelsea D. Specht, R. Burke Squires, Robert W. Thacker, Anne Thessen, Jose Fernandez-Triana, Mauno Vihinen, Peter D. Vize, Lars Vogt, Christine E. Wall, Ramona L. Walls, Monte Westerfeld, Robert A. Wharton, Christian S. Wirkner, James B. Woolley, Matthew J. Yoder, Aaron M. Zorn, Paula Mabee

Where Next for Microbiome Research?

Matthew K. Waldor, Gene Tyson, Elhanan Borenstein, Howard Ochman, Andrew Moeller, B. Brett Finlay, Heidi H. Kong, Jeffrey I. Gordon, Karen E. Nelson, Karim Dabbagh, Hamilton Smith

Community Pages

A Rosetta Stone for Nature’s Benefits to People

Sandra Díaz, Sebsebe Demissew, Carlos Joly, W. Mark Lonsdale, Anne Larigauderie

A Low-Cost, Hands-on Module to Characterize Antimicrobial Compounds Using an Interdisciplinary, Biophysical Approach

Karishma S. Kaushik, Ashley Kessel, Nalin Ratnayeke, Vernita D. Gordon

Research Articles

Optimal Conservation Outcomes Require Both Restoration and Protection

Hugh P. Possingham, Michael Bode, Carissa J. Klein

Ebola Cases and Health System Demand in Liberia

John M. Drake, RajReni B. Kaul, Laura W. Alexander, Suzanne M. O’Regan, Andrew M. Kramer, J. Tomlin Pulliam, Matthew J. Ferrari, Andrew W. Park

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A Sensory-Motor Control Model of Animal Flight Explains Why Bats Fly Differently in Light Versus Dark

Nadav S. Bar, Sigurd Skogestad, Jose M. Marçal, Nachum Ulanovsky, Yossi Yovel

Composition, Formation, and Regulation of the Cytosolic C-ring, a Dynamic Component of the Type III Secretion Injectisome

Andreas Diepold, Mikhail Kudryashev, Nicolas J. Delalez, Richard M. Berry, Judith P. Armitage

Structure-Guided Design of Selective Epac1 and Epac2 Agonists

Frank Schwede, Daniela Bertinetti, Carianne N. Langerijs, Michael A. Hadders, Hans Wienk, Johanne H. Ellenbroek, Eelco J. P. de Koning, Johannes L. Bos, Friedrich W. Herberg, Hans-Gottfried Genieser, Richard A. J. Janssen, Holger Rehmann