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PLoS Biology Issue Image | Vol. 7(1) January 2009

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An infant chimpanzee.

Many of the differences between humans and our closest living relative are likely to be the result of natural selection acting on genes. However, a nonadaptive process unrelated to natural selection may have driven evolution in some of the genes that have changed the most since our common ancestor with chimpanzees (see Berglund et al., e1000026).

Image Credit: Owen Booth

An infant chimpanzee.

Many of the differences between humans and our closest living relative are likely to be the result of natural selection acting on genes. However, a nonadaptive process unrelated to natural selection may have driven evolution in some of the genes that have changed the most since our common ancestor with chimpanzees (see Berglund et al., e1000026).

Image Credit: Owen Booth