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Correction: Significant Determinants of Mouse Pain Behaviour

  • Michael S. Minett,
  • Niels Eijkelkamp,
  • John N. Wood
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There are a number of errors in the caption for Fig 3, “Comparison of different transgenic mice reveals stimulus-intensity specific responses to noxious thermal stimuli.” Please see the complete, correct Fig 3 caption here.

Fig 3. Comparison of different transgenic mice reveals stimulus-intensity specific responses to noxious thermal stimuli.

Behavioural responses of different Nav1.7 tissue-specific knockouts to the Hargreaves test applied to the hindpaw. (a) Nav1.7Nav1.8 mice (blue columns, n  =  14), Nav1.7Advill mice (red column, n  =  7) and Nav1.7Wnt1 mice (green column, n  =  12) all show a behavioural deficit in response to the Hargreaves test at a heat ramp of 0.6°C.s−1 in comparison to littermate mice (white columns, n  =  27), however (b) only Nav1.7Advill and Nav1.7Wnt1 mice show a behavioural deficit in response to the Hargreaves test at a heat ramp of 2.0°C.s−1. (c) Nav1.8KO mice (light blue column, n  =  6) and Nav1.9KO mice (turquoise column, n  =  10) but not Nav1.3KO mice (orange column, n  =  6) show a significantly increased withdrawal latency to the Hargreaves test at a heat ramp of 0.6°C.s−1 in comparison to littermate mice (white columns, n  =  18), however this significant increase is lost the when the Hargreaves test is conducted using a heat ramp of 2.0°C.s−1. Data analysed by two-way analysis of variance followed by a Bonferroni post-hoc test. Results are presented as mean ± S.E.M. * P<0.05 and *** P<0.001 (individual points).


  1. 1. Minett MS, Eijkelkamp N, Wood JN (2014) Significant Determinants of Mouse Pain Behaviour. PLOS ONE 9(8): e104458. pmid:25101983