Due to errors introduced during the production process, some equations do not display correctly.
The upper limit in Equation 4 is not in the correct place. The correct equation can be viewed here: [^]
The "If-Then-Else" statement that follows Equation 6 has incorrect symbols. The correct equation can be viewed here:
Citation: Friedman A, Pizarro O, Williams SB, Johnson-Roberson M (2013) Correction: Multi-Scale Measures of Rugosity, Slope and Aspect from Benthic Stereo Image Reconstructions. PLoS ONE 8(12): 10.1371/annotation/55ee98d1-6731-4bee-81d6-03ce0259c191. https://doi.org/10.1371/annotation/55ee98d1-6731-4bee-81d6-03ce0259c191
Published: December 2, 2013
Copyright: © 2013 . This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Competing interests: No competing interests declared.