About the Authors
- Sandrine Mignon-Grasteau
Contributed equally to this work with: Sandrine Mignon-Grasteau, Irène Gabriel
* E-mail: sandrine.grasteau@tours.inra.fr
Affiliation UR83 Recherches Avicoles, INRA, Nouzilly, France
- Agnès Narcy
¶‡ These authors also contributed equally to this work.
Affiliation UR83 Recherches Avicoles, INRA, Nouzilly, France
- Nicole Rideau
¶‡ These authors also contributed equally to this work.
Affiliation UR83 Recherches Avicoles, INRA, Nouzilly, France
- Céline Chantry-Darmon
Affiliation INRA, LABOGENA, Domaine de Vilvert, Jouy en Josas cedex, France
- Marie-Yvonne Boscher
Affiliation INRA, LABOGENA, Domaine de Vilvert, Jouy en Josas cedex, France
- Nadine Sellier
Affiliation INRA, UE1295 PEAT, Nouzilly, France
- Marie Chabault
Affiliation UR83 Recherches Avicoles, INRA, Nouzilly, France
- Barbara Konsak-Ilievski
Affiliation UR83 Recherches Avicoles, INRA, Nouzilly, France
- Elisabeth Le Bihan-Duval
¶‡ These authors also contributed equally to this work.
Affiliation UR83 Recherches Avicoles, INRA, Nouzilly, France
- Irène Gabriel
Contributed equally to this work with: Sandrine Mignon-Grasteau, Irène Gabriel
Affiliation UR83 Recherches Avicoles, INRA, Nouzilly, France
Competing Interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: SMG NR IG NS MC ELBD AN. Performed the experiments: SMG NR IG NS MC ELBD BKI AN MYB CCD. Analyzed the data: SMG. Wrote the paper: SMG NR IG NS MC ELBD BKI AN MYB CCD. Microbiota determination: IG BKI. Genotyping: MYB CCD.