About the Authors

Martina Borghi

Affiliation Department of Mental Health, “San Luigi Gonzaga” Hospital Medical School, University of Turin, ASL TO3, Orbassano, Italy

Marco Cavallo


Affiliations Department of Mental Health, “San Luigi Gonzaga” Hospital Medical School, University of Turin, ASL TO3, Orbassano, Italy, Department of Translational Medicine, “Amedeo Avogadro” University of Eastern Piedmont, Novara, Italy

Sara Carletto

Affiliation Department of Mental Health, “San Luigi Gonzaga” Hospital Medical School, University of Turin, ASL TO3, Orbassano, Italy

Luca Ostacoli

Affiliation Department of Mental Health, “San Luigi Gonzaga” Hospital Medical School, University of Turin, ASL TO3, Orbassano, Italy

Marco Zuffranieri

Affiliation Department of Mental Health, “San Luigi Gonzaga” Hospital Medical School, University of Turin, ASL TO3, Orbassano, Italy

Rocco Luigi Picci

Affiliation Department of Mental Health, “San Luigi Gonzaga” Hospital Medical School, University of Turin, ASL TO3, Orbassano, Italy

Francesco Scavelli

Affiliation Department of Mental Health, “San Luigi Gonzaga” Hospital Medical School, University of Turin, ASL TO3, Orbassano, Italy

Harriet Johnston

Affiliation School of Psychology, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland, United Kingdom

Pier Maria Furlan

Affiliation Department of Mental Health, “San Luigi Gonzaga” Hospital Medical School, University of Turin, ASL TO3, Orbassano, Italy

Antonio Bertolotto

Affiliation Neurologia 2 – CRESM (Regional Reference Centre for Multiple Sclerosis), “San Luigi Gonzaga” Hospital Medical School, Orbassano, Italy

Simona Malucchi

Affiliation Neurologia 2 – CRESM (Regional Reference Centre for Multiple Sclerosis), “San Luigi Gonzaga” Hospital Medical School, Orbassano, Italy

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: MB SC LO MZ RLP PF AB SM. Performed the experiments: MB SC FS. Analyzed the data: MC SC MZ. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: MB MC SC LO MZ RLP FS HJ PF AB SM. Wrote the paper: MB MC SC MZ FS HJ SM. Identified the suitable neuropsychological tests: MB MC SC LO FS. Submission to Ethics Committee, collection of medical data, participants' recruitment: MB MC SC LO MZ FS PF AB SM.