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Editorial Note: A panel data study on the effect of climate change on life expectancy

  • The PLOS Climate Editors
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After this article [1] was published, concerns were raised about the reliability of global mean annual temperature data that are discussed in the article and used in the study’s analyses. The source of these data is reported as [2] in the article’s Materials and methods section, and as [3] in the Fig 4 legend.

PLOS Climate is looking into the concerns that have been raised. Meanwhile, readers are advised to interpret this article’s results with caution.


  1. 1. Roy A (2024) A panel data study on the effect of climate change on life expectancy. PLOS Clim 3(1): e0000339.
  2. 2. World Bank. The Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP) 2023. The World Bank; 2023.
  3. 3. Akhtar R, Palagiano C. Climate change and air pollution: an introduction. Climate Change and Air Pollution: The Impact on Human Health in Developed and Developing Countries. 2018:3–8.